lauantai 18. kesäkuuta 2011

Common flowers in close-ups

Wild chervil (Anthriscus sylvestris) is blossoming everywhere. I rather like it: big lace-like bushes are splendid around the yard.

And they have a faint scent, sweet but not too heavy...

Two little pines and one spruce trying to gain space and light

Spreading bellflower (Campanula patula) and a fly

 A closer look to the depths of the flower

Dandelion (Taraxacum) spreading the seed - those little parachutes we all know ever since we were kids and blew them to flight

It reminds me of a pincushion, the pompon where they are attached

 And the flocks are so light  and delicate

Wood crane's-bill (Geranium silvaticum) is also called as 'the midsummer flower' - now it is a bit early

Their color vary from very light, almost white to really dark violet - this is somewhere in the middle

 It is surprising that this ordinary flower at close-up reveals beauty that can compare to some jungle-flowers and their exotic colors!

The flower of arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus) with - again - a fly!

The little starwort (Stellaria) - here with the obligatory visiting fly - is another little beauty

 Like an abstract sculpture...

This spring and early summer have been full of various butterflies...

 Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaris) in the bud

An eager flover-fly in  wood crane's-bill

The little star of the carpel is very faintly ruby colored

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