Further by the birches there is a river. A river? well, a very small one...
But the birches are great and they grow just on the riverbank and every storm falls some of them to the water.This old one might have been hit by a lightning ages ago and the mark still shows...

The surroundings are fed by the river and the nature is extremely lush and thick. Especially now in spring it is bright green, fresh and growing! Some waterfowl spend time there and in the winter snow you can see the marks of an otter...

The flood in spring when snows are melting has covered these branches and there are also logs half buried in the bottom and reching towards the surface...
The reflexions play on the water. They resemble fire as they change all the time and are as fascinating to watch as flames...Maybe she thinks there was an otter other side of the river...

There somewhere on the riverbank otter has it's holes and tunnels. In springtime there is a lot of small fish in the river and maybe some also in winter. The flowing water seldom gets a thick ice to cover it. I think that just once in these years has the ice been strong enough to bear my weight - 53 kg!
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