It has been dry. No rain in weeks. And that has been good because the deep frost has not turned the roads to rivers of mud. Just some frost boils and sunken culverts. Some years ago I hit such a drop while driving and that was the end of the journey: the motor fell off and also the gearbox dropped... Lovely country we have... one of the richest in the world...
Anyway today when we were having our daily exercise, the dog and me, it started raining. There was just over a kilometre to go and it was not raining very heavily so we only got a bit damp - it was kind of scented and sweet anyway...

The bird cherry buds are rather swollen, still more higher in the tree - they'll probably be in bloom in a week. These last years, three maybe, they have opened like this - my birthday is on 22'nd so I have noticed. Earlier maybe once in ten or fifteen years... so it is getting warmer!
Snowdrops with drops of rain... so small and so delicate and yet they just endure...
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